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7月9日国务院办公厅公布《机关事务管理条例》,条例规定县级以上人民政府应当将公务接待费、公务用车购置和运行费、因公出国(境)费纳入预算管理,条例自2012年10月1日起开始施行。【问题】自从2008年5月开始施行《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》以来,政府信息从保密走向公开,特别是对公众反应强烈的公款吃喝、公款出国和公车私用等情况,在政府信息公开中都有所体现。但公众对公开三公经费情况并不满意,因为三公经费公开之后,公众发现,三公经费公开得并不详细,非常笼统,公众感到有问题的三公经费,并没有因此而处置过任何一个官员。基层政府“三公”经费管理支出存在的问题 On July 9, the General Office of the State Council promulgated the Regulations on the Administration of Organizations. The ordinance stipulates that the people’s governments at or above the county level shall incorporate official reception fees, the purchase and running costs of official vehicles, and budgetary expenditures for business trips abroad (territory) into the budget since 2012 October 1, the year begins. [Question] Since the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Disclosure of Government Information” began in May 2008, government information has gone from being confidential to being public, especially the public funds like eating and drinking, public funds going abroad and private buses that respond to the public. In the government information The public have reflected. However, the public was not satisfied with the disclosure of the three funds. After the disclosure of the three funds, the public found out that the details of the three funds were not disclosed in detail and were very general. The public did not find any officials who were in trouble for the three funds because of this. Grass-roots government “three public ” funds management expenditure problems
目前,计算钻井井架都是用极限状态的方法[1]。其基本的计算方程表现为在最大计算载荷作用下,相应的强度、移定性和极限变形的条件: C_k∑P_i·ni≤mi·(KR_H)·F_(HT),(1) C
吊环是钻井设备中最重要、最常用的工具之一。本文引用能量法的概念,分析了吊环应力分布规律、应力计算以及安全系数选择等问题。 Rings are one of the most important and
本文综述了硫化学反应体系的非线性动力学的研究概况。 This paper reviews the research overview of the nonlinear kinetics of sulfur chemical reaction systems.
从香樟分离得到139株内生细菌,采用对峙生长法评价了内生细菌对常见植物病原真菌辣椒疫霉病原菌(Phytophthora Capsici Leonian)、苹果炭疽病原菌(Colletotrichum gloeospori