Seeding technology 1. Selection of high-yielding high-quality varieties. Production of high quality wheat should be based on the principle of “one village, one slope and one variety”, and practice concentrated contiguous planting. In terms of variety utilization, the early cropping land was expanded with model farming Xuke No.1 by hundreds of farmers including AK58, Xinmai 18, Zhoumai 22, Zhoumai 16, Hengguan 35 and Xunong 5; 64 series, Zhengzhou 9023-based. 2. Balance fertilization, fertility fertility. Soil fertility should be in accordance with the “organic, inorganic combination ” principle, vigorously promote the straw to field, belly to the field, increase the application of organic fertilizer. Fertilizer use should be based on “steady nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium ” principle. According to Xuchang County soil fertility and yield