面对机遇及瞬息万变的市场环境,不同城市及地区皆致力寻求可持续发展及绿色经济的增长,传统及新派的建筑模式在环境保护及减排上皆存在不少挑战。踏入十周年的2017澳门国际环保合作发展论坛及展览(2017 MIECF)特别举办绿色建筑行业交流会。绿色展览—绿色建筑展区与会者可掌握不少有关的资讯,包括有效减少能耗的建筑方法、适合都市
Faced with opportunities and rapidly changing market conditions, different cities and regions are committed to seeking sustainable development and growth of the green economy. Both traditional and new construction models pose many challenges in environmental protection and emission reduction. The tenth anniversary of the 2017 Macao International Forum on Environmental Co-operation and Development (2017 MIECF) held a special green building industry exchange. Green Exhibition - Green Building Pavilion Attendees have access to a wealth of relevant information, including building methods that reduce energy consumption and are suitable for urban