Clinical data We use amiodarone treatment of arrhythmia 68 cases, 42 males. 26 females; aged 19 to 78 years old. The onset time is 1 day ~ 15 years. 27 cases of supraventricular arrhythmias, ventricular arrhythmias in 41 cases; the latter are frequent ventricular premature beats, most of the two or three laws, have used propranolol, phenytoin sodium, slow heart rate, verapamil, bromine Benzylamine and dasazepine and other drugs ineffective. Disable other antiarrhythmic drugs during amiodarone use. Are oral medication, the initial amount of 0.2g, 3 times a day, after the general effect (1 to 7 days) changed to 2 times a day; 8 to 14 days later to maintain the amount of daily