自1990年1月以来,我们应用多巴胺、硫酸镁联合静滴治疗慢性肺心病顽固性心衰42例,收到了满意的效果,报道如下: 1 临床资料 男24例,女18例,年龄31~73岁,平均58岁。有咳喘史10~30年。全部病例均有中度或明显紫绀、呼吸困难、少尿、下肢浮肿、肝肿大、颈静脉怒张、肝颈静脉回流征阳性、肺部均在散有干湿罗音,有明显哮呜音者15例。 治疗方法:采用自身对照的方法,本组病人均为常规治疗(休息、吸氧、限盐、用洋地黄、利尿剂、激素、氨茶碱及抗生素等)无效或疗效不明显者,然后在原有治疗基础上加用多巴胺20mg、硫酸镁2.5g于5~10%葡萄糖300ml中,一天一次,每分钟20~30滴。
Since January 1990, we use dopamine and magnesium sulfate combined with intravenous infusion of 42 cases of refractory heart failure of chronic pulmonary heart disease, and received satisfactory results reported as follows: 1 clinical data of 24 males and 18 females, aged 31 ~ 73 years old, average 58 years old. There cough history 10 to 30 years. All cases were moderate or obvious cyanosis, dyspnea, oliguria, lower extremity edema, hepatomegaly, jugular vein engorgement, positive hepatic jugular venous reflux syndrome, the lungs are scattered in the wet and dry rales, there are obvious asthma Tone in 15 cases. Treatment methods: The use of self-control method, the patients were routine treatment (rest, oxygen, salt, with digitalis, diuretics, hormones, aminophylline and antibiotics, etc.) ineffective or curative effect is not obvious, and then in the original There are treatment based on the use of dopamine 20mg, magnesium sulfate 2.5g in 5 ~ 10% glucose 300ml, once a day, 20 to 30 drops per minute.