Association between Low-density Lipoprotein Receptor-related Protein 5 Polymorphisms and Type 2 Diab

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Objective To investigate the association between low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5(LRP5) variants(rs12363572 and rs4930588) and type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) in Han Chinese. Methods A total of 1842 T2 DM cases(507 newly diagnosed cases and 1335 previously diagnosed cases) and 7777 controls were included in this case-control study. PCR-RFLP was conducted to detect the genotype of the two single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs). Odds ratios(ORs) and 95% confidence intervals(95% CIs) were calculated to describe the strength of the association by logistic regression. Results In the study subjects, neither rs12363572 nor rs4930588 was significantly associated with T2 DM, even after adjusting for relevant covariates. When stratified by body mass index(BMI), the two SNPs were also not associated with T2 DM. Among the 3 common haplotypes, only haplotype TT was associated with reduced risk of T2DM(OR 0.820, 95% CI 0.732-0.919). In addition, rs12363572 was associated with BMI(P<0.001) and rs4930588 was associated with triglyceride levels(P=0.043) in 507 newly diagnosed T2 DM cases but not in healthy controls. Conclusion No LRP5 variant was found to be associated with T2 DM in Han Chinese, but haplotype TT was found to be associated with T2 DM. Objective To investigate the association between low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5) variants (rs12363572 and rs4930588) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in Han Chinese. Methods A total of 1842 T2 DM cases (507 newly diagnosed cases and 1335 previously diagnosed cases) and 7777 controls were included in this case-control study. PCR-RFLP was conducted to detect the genotype of the two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs Results In the study subjects, neither rs12363572 nor rs4930588 was significantly associated with T2 DM, even after adjusting for relevant covariates. When stratified by body mass index (BMI), the two Among the 3 common haplotypes, only haplotype TT was associated with reduced risk of T2DM (OR 0.820, 95% CI 0.732-0.919). In addition, rs12363572 was associated with BMI (P <0 .001) and rs4930588 was associated with triglyceride levels (P = 0.043) in 507 newly diagnosed T2 DM cases but not in healthy controls. Conclusion No LRP5 variant was found associated with T2 DM in Han Chinese, but haplotype TT was found to be associated with T2 DM.
导语:或许有一种最原始的美丽,就在大山深处。  自从《爸爸去哪儿》开播以来,星爸和可爱的萌娃们就俘获了一众人心。在节目组的镜头下,那些很少有人听闻的地方也开始渐渐出现在大众眼前,逐渐露出隐藏的魅力。最近播出的一期节目里,有这个么个地方,它四面环山,绿水环绕,黑瓦黄墙,绝美的风光而让明星和观众都惊叹不已,在遥远的大山深处竟还有这样原始的风景。它就是“苗族桃花源”,被称作“天上苗寨 云中村落”的无愁河
山水文化在我国源远流长,早在魏晋时期山水文化就有了长足的发展,魏晋时期是山水诗与山水画的萌芽时期,直至唐代达到空前的鼎盛时期。  一、山水诗与山水画的起源  山水诗于晋宋之际产生,谢灵运是山水诗的开山鼻祖,谢眺接踵而起,后来还有许许多多的文人墨客如雨后春笋般层出不穷,他们通过诗词抒发自我的情感,将山水作为独立的审美对象。为山水诗的发展作出了独特的贡献。我国古代山水诗的源远流长,使山水诗日趋完善。山