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1942年,河南水、旱、蝗、汤(战犯汤恩伯)为灾,大批难民逃荒到西安。其中有几十个难童,三年中经过几次转卖,最后被卖给当地一个土匪头子办的“西安灾童剧社”,这就是西藏豫剧团的前身。孩子们大的已有十三、四岁,小的还只七、八岁,就开始了自己的学艺生活。每天一早起来练功,深夜演完戏、排完戏睡觉,三、四个孩子合盖一条被,只要有一个孩子因白天过分劳累而尿床,大家就睡不好觉。在剧社四年,没发过一个钱,只穿了两套棉衣、一套单衣。有一年喝了整一年的面条汤,一直到过年时才每人发到两个馒头、一碗粉条白菜,还是不管饱。孩子们以为过年总该吃一顿饱饭了,就有人表示自己没吃饱,结果几十个孩子都挨了打。孩子们过的是这样受剥削、受压迫的生活,可是老板却从孩子身上攒子很多金条……。1949年,剧社流落在成都,不久,成都解放了。老板、“主任”们一式地对着孩子们造谣:“共产党共产共妻……。”尽说些共产党和解放军的坏话,可是孩子们终究是穷孩子,第二年他们就集体参加了解放军的文工团,准备随军进入西藏。参军后,孩子们立刻领 In 1942, a large number of refugees fled to Xi’an in floods, drought, locusts and soups (Tang Erbo war criminals) in Henan. Several dozen of them were sold to children, and after several resoldings in three years, they were finally sold to the “Xi’an Disaster Playhouse” run by a local bandit chieftain. This is the predecessor of the Tibet Opera Troupe. The children have been thirteen or four years old, small only seven or eight years old, began his own academic life. Get up early every day practice exercises, play late at night, finished row play sleep, three or four children together cover a, as long as there is a child due to excessive wetness during the daytime to wet the bed, we sleep well. In the theater four years, did not send a money, wearing only two sets of cotton, a single coat. One year to drink a year of noodles soup, until the New Year when each issued two steamed bread, a bowl of vermicelli cabbage, or whether full. Children think that they should eat enough to eat New Year’s Eve, some people said they did not eat enough, resulting in dozens of children were hit. The children lived a life of exploitation and oppression, but the boss saved many gold bars from their children .... In 1949, the drama club dwelt in Chengdu, and soon Chengdu was liberated. The boss and the “director” rumored for the children in a rumor: “Communists have a common wife ...” To make a fuss about the CCP and the PLA, the children are poor children after all, and the following year they collectively took part in the People’s Liberation Army Art troupe, ready to enter Tibet with the army. After joining the army, the children immediately led
目的 探讨规范产前超声检查诊断胎儿畸形顺序部位方法的临床价值.方法 2005年1月至2007年3月间对10774例中晚孕期单胎的孕妇进行了超声检查,按头颅、颜面部及三维表面成像、
目的 探讨胎儿超声心动图在高危妊娠产前筛查中的意义.方法 应用西门子Sonoline G60S型彩色多普勒超声诊断仪对570例孕龄在22-40周的高危妊娠孕妇行胎儿超声心动图检查,并将
目的 建立应用超声多谱勒技术测量各孕周胎儿大脑中动脉峰值血流速度(middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity,MCV-PSV)的正常值.方法 对1197例次的胎儿进行各孕周大