新市场,新世界纪录2012年是光伏行业另一个历史性时期。全球光伏累积装机量首次突破100GW,达到101GW。这个容量相当于16座燃煤电站或1GW核反应堆的容量。每年的光伏安装可减少5300万吨CO2的排放。2012年全世界估计有30GW光伏装置联网运行,大约相当于2011年设定的记录总量。这些仅是预计,最终数据可能会比30GW增加1~2 GW。最近几年EPIA是通过联网系统积累数据,从发电观点来看是合理的。计算安装量(可能联网或未联网)是指在特定的时间内,售出多少光伏系统更实际的情况。计算方法不同,逐年变化的情况可
New Markets, New World Records 2012 is another historic period for the photovoltaic industry. For the first time, the installed capacity of PV in the world exceeded 100GW, reaching 101GW. This capacity is equivalent to the capacity of 16 coal-fired power plants or 1GW nuclear reactors. The annual PV installation can reduce 53 million tons of CO2 emissions. In 2012, an estimated 30GW PV installations are operating in the world, roughly equivalent to the total recorded in 2011. These are only estimates that the final data may increase by 1 to 2 GW from 30GW. In recent years, EPIA has accumulated data through a networked system and is justified from the point of view of power generation. Calculating the installed capacity (which may or may not be networked) is the more realistic scenario of how many PV systems are sold in a given period of time. Different methods of calculation, the situation changes year by year