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在“班主任专业化发展”研究方兴未艾的今天,另一个全新的命题“班主任个性化发展”浮出水面,二者有密切的联系却又各有所侧重,本文意在探究“个性班主任”在做教育中精彩纷呈的“个性”背后共通的规律性的东西,以期从感性而理性,从不可复制而有规律可循。本文在具体论述“个性班主任”和“班主任个性化发展”的基础上得出“班主任个性化发展是建立于班主任专业化发展之上的”的结论并重点强调个性班主任首先必须是优秀班主任,个性班主任的教育智慧和教育个性均来自于教师对教育、对学生的爱。 Nowadays, there is another brand-new proposition “individualized development of class teacher ” surfaced in close connection with each other, with the focus on the specialization of class teacher Personalized class teacher “doing brilliant education in the ” personality “behind the common regular things, with a view to from the emotional and rational, can not be copied and the law to follow. Based on the concrete discussion of ”personality class teacher“ and ”class teacher personalization development“, this paper concludes that ”class teacher personalization development is based on the professional development of class teacher" and emphasizes that the class teacher first Must be an excellent teacher, teacher and individual teacher education wisdom and personal education are from teachers for education, love for students.
这天傍晚,刘旭下班回家,车子还没停稳,手机忽然响了。一看是个陌生的号码,但他还是接听了。“刘警官,我是慧觉寺三十六号的。我们家抓住一个流氓,你快过来吧!”喊声之大,震耳欲聋。  刘旭把手机离远了点儿问:“怎么个流氓啊?”  对方接着嚷:“他搂着个光屁股女人……”  刘旭明白了个大概,无非是家里的男人出轨了,被当场抓奸。这事要他去调解,不用所里派人去控制现场。他说:“我得半个多小时才能到。你先控制一