陈策,1893年-1949年,字筹硕,海南文昌市会文镇沙港村人,国民党海军上将。曾协助孙中山在广州对抗陈炯明,抗战时负伤截断一腿,有“独脚将军”之称。日军攻陷香港时,陈策带领数十名英军成功突围,获英皇颁授帝国骑士司令勋章。陈策三岁时随父亲到新加坡,八岁时回中国。小学毕业后,到广州的“广东海军学校”读书,并且加入同盟会。1 923年孙中山任陈策为广东舰队司令,北伐后,广东舰队改为国民革命军海军第四舰队,陈策为司令。
Chen Ce, 1893 - 1949, the word raised chips, Wenchang City, Hainan Huicheng Shagang village, KMT Admiral. Has assisted Sun Yat-sen in Guangzhou confrontation Chen Jiongming, wounded when the war cut off a leg, “” one leggy “said. When the Japanese army captured Hong Kong, Chen Ce led the success of dozens of British troops to be awarded the Order of the Empire Knights Commander Medal. At the age of three, Chen Ce went to Singapore with his father and returned to China at the age of eight. After graduating from primary school, to Guangzhou ”Guangdong Navy School " study, and joined the league. In 1923, Sun Yat-sen Ren Chen Ce was the commander of the Guangdong Fleet. After the Northern Expedition, the Guangdong fleet was replaced by the Navy’s Fourth Fleet of the National Revolutionary Army and Chen Ce as commander.