《反伪“三剑客”传奇》是一套丛书,共三本,分别是《两栖学者——何祚庥》, 《科海求真——郭正谊》, 《铁齿铜牙——司马南》,由河北人民出版社出版。刚收到由该书执行主编祝永华女士送我的这套书时,仅看封面便不禁眼睛一亮:好一个“三剑客”!把这三位传奇人物一并作传,谓之“反伪‘三剑客’传奇”,不仅新颖、响亮,也是贴切之至。待读罢书中内容,更是感慨良多,因为该丛书不仅是三位“剑客”个人的传奇故事,还几乎就是近二十几年来中华大地上科学思想与科学精神同伪科学及各类迷信的一部斗争史。
“Anti-counterfeiting” Three Musketeers “Legend” is a series of books, a total of three, namely “amphibious scholar - He 祚 庥”, “Kohai Truth - Guo Zhengyi”, “Iron teeth copper - Sima Nan” Hebei People’s Publishing House. Just received by the executive editor of the book Zhu Yonghua sent me this book, only to see the cover can not help but eyes: a good “Three Musketeers!” The three legendary characters together, that the “anti-counterfeiting ’Three Musketeers legend’, not only novel, loud, but also appropriate. The contents of the book to be read are even more mixed with emotion because the series is not only the legendary personal story of the three ”swordsmen," but almost the same scientific concept and spirit as the science and various types Superstition in a history of struggle.