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如今,乘民航飞机出行已成为很多人首选的交通工具。但对于有些人来说,往往乘机前或乘机过程中有种紧张感,特别是对于第一次乘飞机出行的人来说,更是如此。那么,如何消除乘机紧张感呢?乘机前应事先了解和熟悉民航飞行特点,对整个出行过程有一定的了解后,就会减小担忧,从而消除乘机的紧张感。乘客应在航班起飞前1~2小时到达机场,从容不慌的办理各种乘机手续,通过安全检查后在相应的登机口待机室找一个安静舒适的位子休息或到附近的售货点购些物品,等待登机。在登机落座后,有些乘客往往心跳加速、情绪紧张。这样的乘客最好慢慢地做几次深呼吸,或者在飞机走道上 Today, traveling by civil aviation has become the preferred means of transport for many people. But for some people, there is often a sense of tension before or during the flight, especially for those who travel by plane for the first time. So, how to eliminate the opportunity to take the tension it? Before taking the opportunity to be familiar with the characteristics of civil aviation flight before flight, a certain understanding of the entire travel process, it will reduce the concern, thus eliminating the opportunity to take the tension. Passengers should arrive at the airport 1 ~ 2 hours prior to flight departure, calmly handle a variety of check-in procedures, pass the security check at the appropriate boarding gate waiting room to find a quiet and comfortable seat to rest or to the nearby point of purchase Something, waiting for boarding. After boarding, some passengers tend to have a rapid heartbeat and nervous feelings. It is best for such passengers to take a few deep breaths slowly, or on the flight path
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近日,一架标有海航金鹏展翅的空客 A319飞机平稳地降落在雅鲁藏布江谷地的拉萨贡嘎机场,原来海南航空早已开通了“西安=拉萨”航线。此外,海航还首次推出了太原—西安—拉萨