The invalid establishment of a company refers to the establishment of a legal flaw in a company that has been found invalid by the court because of serious flaws and that has already been established into the liquidation and dissolution proceedings. (Zhou Yousu, New Corporations Law [M] .Law Publishing House, 2006: 170.) It is a response to a company founder’s failure to comply with statutory or procedural conditions during the company’s establishment. The establishment of an invalid system exists in the civil and commercial codes of many countries in the world. For example, the first paragraph of Article 75 of the German LLC law stipulates that if the company’s contract does not stipulate the amount of basic capital or the business object or if the provisions of the company contract on the business object are invalid, any shareholder, any business executive and - If there is a board of supervisors - Any member of a supervisory board may declare the company invalid by filing an application. Japanese Commercial Code