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感冒是儿科最常见的疾病,临床观察发现,小儿感冒以湿热并存、舌苔厚腻者居多。湿邪感冒本应长夏之际多见,但目前已经不存在明显季节性,推测并分析与气候变暖、贪凉饮冷、滥用药物等有关。强调“天、地、人”三者之间是一个相互联系、相互影响的统一体,医者在诊疗时,不仅要关注病,更要关注患病的人,其居处环境、饮食习惯、气候地域、用药经过等与所患疾病息息相关,综合考量这些因素,因人、因时、因地制宜,对防病治病至关重要。 Cold is the most common pediatric diseases, clinical observations found that children with cold and heat to coexist cold, mostly thick greasy tongue coating. Humiliation influenza should be more common on the occasion of the summer, but there is no obvious seasonal, speculation and analysis and climate change, Tan Lian cool, abuse of drugs and so on. Emphasize that the “heaven, earth, and people” are an interconnected and interdependent entity. When treating patients, the physicians should not only pay attention to the sick, but also pay attention to the sick people, their living environment and eating habits Climatic areas, medication, etc. are closely related to the disease, considering these factors, because of people, due to time, according to local conditions, is essential for disease prevention and treatment.