试验以马铃薯克新13号品种为研究材料,采用随机区组设计,通过田间试验,研究氮肥不同用量对马铃薯产量和品质的影响。结果表明,在各个生育时期,氮肥用量不同对马铃薯干物质的积累有一定影响,以对地上部分的影响较大。不同处理间,植株体内氮磷钾含量的变化差异不大。马铃薯的产量随着氮肥用量的增加而增加,以施氮12 kg/667 m2产量最高;马铃薯的品质也是随着施氮量的增加,其淀粉、粗蛋白的含量也随之增加,而还原糖和维生素C的含量逐渐降低。合理施氮可以提高马铃薯的产量,改善其品质。
In this study, Potato New 13 was used as research material. Randomized block design was adopted to study the effects of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and quality of potato. The results showed that the different amounts of nitrogen fertilizers affected the accumulation of potato dry matter at various growth stages and had a greater impact on the aerial parts. There was no significant difference in the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in plants between different treatments. The yield of potato increased with the increase of nitrogen application rate, and the yield of nitrogen was the highest at 12 kg / 667 m2. The quality of potato was also increased with the increase of nitrogen application rate, while the content of starch and crude protein also increased. And vitamin C content gradually decreased. Rational application of nitrogen can increase the yield of potato and improve its quality.