Are male managers better than female managers?

来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jayngu
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This essay studies gender differences in leadership from two perspectives: social system and leadership styles. The rising of female’s superiority on leadership has increasingly been recognized by the society. The discrimination problem and ‘glass ceiling’upon females arouse a more human, more mature and more efficient leadership style than male. This study concludes that female leaders are not weaker than male leaders and they have working enthusiasm and abilities just as male. As long as the opportunities are fair provided, female leaders can do even better than male leaders. The essay studies gender differences in leadership from two perspectives: social system and leadership styles. The rising of female’s superiority on leadership has increasingly been recognized by the society. The discrimination problem and ’glass ceiling’upon females arouse a more human, more mature and This study concludes that female leaders are not weaker than male leaders and they have working enthusiasm and abilities just as male. As long as the opportunities are fair provided, female leaders can do even better than than male leaders.
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