
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ChampionHan
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Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the clinical picture of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and vascular parkinsonism (VP) in the elderly, in an attempt to differentiate the clinical history, symptoms, signs and response to therapy. Material and methods: Thirty-two elderly patients with late onset PD and 45 with VP were enrolled and the clinical features of two groups were compared. All patients underwent brain MRI and were scored using the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scales (UPDRS) -II, -III. Results: Patients with PD had a younger age at onset and a longer duration of the disease as compared to patients with VP. Nearly all PD patients showed a good response to levodopa therapy, while only 29%of patients with VP were responsive to levodopa treatment. Vascular risk factors as well as postural tremor, gait disorders and pyramidal signs with lower body predominance, were more frequent in patients with VP. Ninety-three %of PD patients had normal MRI, whereas all patients with VP had cerebral vascular lesions. UPDRS-II, -III scores at baseline were higher in VP than in PD patients and their increases throughout the follow-up period were more marked in VP than in PD patients. Conclusions: Clinical history, symptoms, signs, response to therapy, and brain imaging help to differentiate PD and VP as two clinical entities with different clinical, prognostic and therapeutic implications, even if the coexistence of PD and a cerebral vascular disease in elderly patients is not infrequent and can make the diagnosis difficult. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the clinical picture of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and vascular parkinsonism (VP) in the elderly, in an attempt to differentiate the clinical history, symptoms, signs and response to therapy. Thirty-two elderly patients with late onset PD and 45 with VP were enrolled and the clinical features of two groups were compared. All patients underwent brain MRI and were scored using the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scales (UPDRS) -II, -III. : Patients with PD had a younger age at onset and longer duration of the disease as compared to patients with VP. Nearly all PD patients showed a good response to levodopa therapy, while only 29% of patients with VP were responsive to levodopa treatment. Vascular risk factors as well as postural tremor, gait disorders and pyramidal signs with lower body predominance, were more frequent in patients with VP. Ninety-three% of PD patients had normal MRI, but all patients with VP had cerebral vascular lesions. UPDRS-II, -III scores at baseline were higher in VP than in PD patients and their increase throughout the follow-up period were more marked in VP than in PD patients. Conclusions: Clinical history, symptoms, signs , response to therapy, and brain imaging help to differentiate PD and VP as two clinical entities with different clinical, prognostic and therapeutic implications, even if the coexistence of PD and a cerebral vascular disease in elderly patients is not infrequent and can make the installation difficult .
1994年夏选择疫区鄱阳湖边的星子县 2个自然村和恒湖农场的 1个自然村 ,按双盲配对设青蒿琥酯和安慰剂两组。剂量为 6mg/kg顿服 ,安慰剂形状、色泽、重量相同。每周服 1次 ,
一年前本刊曾在 2 0 0 0年第 4、5期日本来稿栏目中连载了日本千叶旭中央病院院长村上信乃的撰文———日本国感染病预防、医疗新法介绍 ,经过一年多的实践 ,医学のあゆみ 2