这对前来咨询的夫妇,一看就是知识分子,父亲风度儒雅,讲起道理来有板有眼,母亲在一旁拿着笔记本,随时记录咨询师的“金玉良言”。在谈到儿子成绩下降的幅度时,母亲能准确无误地说出他上中学以来历次大大小小考试的名次和他的主要竞争对手的名次。这样的父母在教育孩子上会遇到什么难题呢? 儿子高飞,今年15岁,继承了父母的高智商,从小就很懂事,他深谙父母的殷殷厚望,于是也和父母一样关注自己的分数,每日除了睡觉吃饭,其他时间全用来读书。父母也非常配合,为了给高飞提供最安静的环境,他们晚上从不看电视,只要高飞在家,他们走路都蹑手蹑脚。一到
This couple to consult, a look that is, intellectuals, father elegant, talk about the truth to have a bright future, the mother holding a notebook aside, keep track of consultants’ golden words. Speaking of the decline in her son’s grades, the mother could accurately state the rankings of all the major exams and junior high schools since his arrival in secondary school and the rank of his major competitor. What kind of problems would such parents encounter in educating their children? The son, flying 15 years old this year, inherited his parents ’high intelligence and was an early age who understood profoundly his parents’ earnest wishes and paid equal attention to himself as his parents Score, except for daily sleep to eat, other time all for reading. Parents are also very cooperative, in order to provide the most quiet environment for high flying, they never watch TV at night, as long as high flying home, they are stomping on foot. Once arrived