190年春天出版的《天龙水泥厂志》,阅后颇觉欣慰,效益甚深。深感其厂可爱,其人可亲。然而,更加敬重的是该书主编——王灵洲同志。 老王已过“知命”之年,衣着朴素,落落大方,饱经风霜的面容,展示着他一生多磨的艰难历程。 王灵洲出身在人杰地灵的陕西渭南的农民之家。自小勤奋好学,初中毕业便被保送高中,1960年高中毕业后,以优秀的成绩,
Published in the spring of 190, “Denon Cement Factory,” after reading quite pleased, very effective. Deep feeling of its cute factory, its amiable. However, more respect is the chief editor - Comrade Wang Lingzhou. Pharaoh has been “life-long” year, clothing simple, graceful, weather-beaten face, showing his life’s hard journey of grinding. Wang Lingzhou was born in a prominent peasant family in Weinan, Shaanxi Province. Since I was a diligent student, I graduated from junior high school and was escorted to high school. After graduating from high school in 1960, with outstanding achievements,