广东省高级人民法院于2008年5月22日对许霆案进行了公开审理,合议庭当庭作出终审裁定:依法驳回许霆的上诉,维持原判。就此,许霆仍将以盗窃罪获刑5年并处罚金2万元,继续追缴非法所得173 826元。虽然这个具有一定代表意义的案件画上了句号,但是其在法学界产生的影响至今也未结束。盗窃罪、侵占罪与不当得利等观点还依然围绕这个案件在不断地被争论。通过对这些观点的法律分析及许霆案本身的具体性和特殊性剖析,以期达到提高普通公民法律意识的目的。
The Higher People’s Court of Guangdong Province held a public hearing on Xu Ting on May 22, 2008, and the collegial bench made a final ruling in court: It dismissed Xu Ting’s appeal according to law and upheld the original verdict. In this connection, Xu Ting will still be sentenced to 5 years in theft and fined 20,000 yuan, continuing to recover 173,826 yuan of illegal gains. Although the case of a certain significance has come to an end, the impact it has had on the legal profession is still not over. The theft, the crime of embezzlement and unjust enrichment still continue to be controversial around this case. Through the legal analysis of these views and Xu Ting case analysis of the specificity and specificity of their own, with a view to raising the awareness of ordinary citizens the purpose of law.