在纪念新中国第一部故事片《桥》公映五十周年的日子里,我不禁怀念起该片摄影师包杰同志,更为他在战争年代里,身背摄影机南征北战纪录了许多极有历史价值的战争场面而感到骄傲。 包杰同志1921年出生于大连一个普通工人的家庭。日本军国主义侵占东北后,父亲惨死在日寇铁蹄下,为了生存,他14岁便给人当杂役,后来考入了满洲映画株式会社当摄影助理。日本投降后,国民党看中了“满映”这块肥肉,想要抢夺。有正义感的“满映”员工,在中共地下党的领导下,与国民党特务分
In commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of “Bridge”, the first feature film of New China, I can not help but remember the photographer Bao Jie. Even more so during his war years, Proud history of the war scene. Comrade Bao Jie was born in 1921 in Dalian, an ordinary worker’s family. After Japanese militarists invaded and occupied the northeast, his father died miserably in the background of the Japanese invaders. In order to survive, he was given a job as a military commander at the age of 14 and was admitted to Manchuria Pictures as a photo assistant. After Japan surrendered, the Kuomintang took a fancy to the “fullness” piece of fat and wanted to snatch it. There is a sense of justice, “Man Ying” employees, under the leadership of the CPC underground party, and the Kuomintang spy points