Pride and Prejudice is a meticulous work by Jane Austen, a 19th-century realist writer. Since publishing nearly 200 years, it has always been a unique artistic charm of readers and critics of all ages. Using the theory of narratology, try to explore the unique charm of “Pride and Prejudice” from the perspective of narrative. Analysis of the “God” -like narrator’s omniscient perspective, and the limited use of characters. Omniscient narrator omniscient, and sometimes the innermost narrator of the perspective of the protagonist often openly and covertly comment on people and events, and the reader’s heart. Make people lifelike, ready to come out. From time to time switch to a limited perspective of the characters, so that the development of the story is dramatic and authentic, comecqan, the plot interesting. The protagonist went through limited arrogance and emotional arrogance and prejudice, overcoming arrogance and prejudice until a higher intellectual process, highlighting the theme.