Catering: time 16 years The current situation: homemade Beijing Jinshayuan Restaurant Management Co., Ltd. and my family culture vegetarian restaurant Lia Sha What people? She and her husband Ye Mao is the same as the famous pop singer in the early 90s of last century on the screen , But in 1995, they both husband and wife farewell to the entertainment industry, to join the catering industry. Liao Sha is a successful example of catering across borders. It’s hard to imagine how a star surrounded by applause from the early years turned simply. In 2009, Liaisa founded a vegetarian-themed restaurant. The restaurant is based on the traditional Chinese culture of spreading loyalty, filial piety and healthy and healthy organic food culture. With its distinctive management service concept and dishes, the restaurant has quickly become a highlight of Beijing’s catering industry. This time to the transformation of vegetarian, has also become Liaisa husband and wife dining career is another milestone.