The atlas of cytoophidia in Drosophila larvae

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In 2010,cytidine 5'-triphosphate synthase (CTPS) was reported to form the filamentous or serpentine structure in Drosophila,which we termed the cytoophidium.In the last decade,CTPS filaments/cytoophidia have been found in bacteria,budding yeast,human cells,mice,fission yeast,plants,and archaea,indicating that this mechanism is highly conserved in evolution.In addition to CTPS,other metabolic enzymes have been identified to have the characteristics of forming cytoophidia or similar advanced structures,demonstrating that this is a basic strategy of cells.Nevertheless,our understanding of the physiological function of the cytoophidium remains incomplete and elusive.Here,we took the larva of Drosophila melanogaster as a model to systematically describe the localization and distribution of cytoophidia in different tissues during larval development.We found that the distribution pattern of CTPS cytoophidia is dynamic and heterogenic in larval tissues.Our study provides a road map for further understanding of the function and regulatory mechanism of cytoophidia.
口述/阿 珠  整理/刚 子 炀 炀     小时候,我喜欢画画,画天空中的飞鸟、溪水中的群鱼、山林中的大树……我渴望长大以后可以用手中的画笔描绘出理想中亦真亦幻的灵性世界。但由于当时家里的经济条件不允许,无法进行专业的辅导训练,我只能无奈地凭着自己的想象涂鸦着梦中的缤纷世界。  每当我看见古代名画中那些冰清玉洁、明眸皓齿的仕女时,心里就羡慕得不是滋味,我也渴望拥有画中女子那样的华美人生。她们腕上