Since the second half of 2008 under the influence of the macroeconomic downturn brought by the global financial crisis, the real estate market has been shrinking dramatically. The rise and fall of housing prices has also affected the whole society’s attention. From the residential market point of view, the core of the problem is the price is too high, or too fast, the real estate market regulation for the price, you need to pay attention to the market price fluctuations for the various market players the combined effect and the successor effect. Only by breaking the monopoly pricing of developers and changing the housing market psychological expectation of the majority of middle- and low-income residents can reduce the fluctuation degree and influence of the market of real estate market and at the same time keep the overall price of the housing market stable without affecting the local government The already formed land prices and fiscal revenue patterns have had a dramatic impact so as to meet the basic housing needs of majority of middle-and-low-income housing dwelling houses and the comprehensive regulation and control effect of promoting a balance between urban economy and macroeconomic stability and sustainable development.