2010年,我国成人慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)第一次的全国流行病学患病率调查数据为10.8%~([1])。糖尿病肾脏疾病(diabetic kidney disease,DKD)是CKD的重要病因之一,在我国占终末期肾脏疾病患者的21%。虽然与美国的43.6%尚有一定的距离,但其持续上涨趋势不容忽视。DKD起病隐匿,一旦出现大量蛋白尿,进展至终末期肾脏疾病的速度大大增快,因此早期筛查、诊断与治疗对提高糖尿病患者生存率、改善其生活质
In 2010, the first national prevalence survey of adult chronic kidney disease (CKD) was 10.8% ~ ([1]). Diabetic kidney disease (diabetic kidney disease, DKD) is one of the important causes of CKD, in our country accounted for 21% of patients with end-stage renal disease. Although there is still a certain distance from 43.6% of the United States, its continued upward trend can not be ignored. DKD occult onset, in the event of a large number of proteinuria, progression to end-stage kidney disease greatly increased the speed, so early screening, diagnosis and treatment to improve the survival rate of diabetic patients and improve their quality of life