资金紧张已成为所有企业的最强烈呼声。尤其是我们丝绸行业国有企业的经营者都感到资金的紧张已严重地困扰了正常的生产秩序,细细地分析,企业资金短缺紧张,实际是企业流动资金的短缺,就目前状况来看,我认为企业流动资金紧张的原因有以下几个方面: 1.企业生产规模扩大,而银行信贷从紧,而形成资金的硬缺口,是造成资金紧张的一个方
Tight funding has become the strongest voice of all companies. In particular, the operators of the state-owned enterprises in the silk industry have felt that the tightness of funds has seriously plagued normal production order, and careful analysis of the shortage of funds in enterprises is actually a shortage of liquidity for enterprises. As far as the current situation is concerned, I The reasons for the tight liquidity of enterprises are as follows: 1. The expansion of production scale of enterprises, and the tight bank credit, and the formation of a hard gap in funding, is a cause of financial constraints.