在声乐艺术的声部分类中,女低音应该是最为稀少也最为珍贵的一个声部了。二十世纪真正伟大的、可以载入史册的女低音歌唱家只有两位,那就是美国的玛丽安·安德森(Marian Anderson)和英国的凯瑟琳·费里尔(Kathleen Ferrier)。1950年是一个对于声乐艺术史而言颇有些特殊纪念意义的年份。其时费里尔正在美国西部的旧金山歌剧院上演格鲁克的歌剧《奥菲欧与尤丽狄茜》。就在排练期间,安德森与费里尔这对世纪最佳女低音有机会见了面,五十三岁的安德森与比自己小十五
In vocal arts, the bass should be one of the rarest and most precious parts. The only truly gigantic and searchable bass singer of the twentieth century was the American Marian Anderson and the British Kathleen Ferrier. 1950 is a year that has some special memorials to the vocal arts history. At the time, Ferrier was imposing Grook’s opera “Orpheus and Euridice” at the San Francisco Opera House in the western United States. During the rehearsal, Anderson and Ferrell had the chance to meet the best basso of the century. Anderson, 53,