我们遇到3例结膜囊内异物延误治疗,其中2例引起感染化脓,报告如下: 例1:张××,男,5岁。因左眼红肿在他院按“左上睑蚊虫咬伤”,“过敏性炎症”等,给予抗菌素眼水和眼膏点眼,抗过敏药物治疗7天无效,于1982年8月12日来我院就诊。检查:患儿闭眼不睁,内外眦部有粘液脓性分泌物外溢,上睑轻度肿胀,触
We encountered three cases of delayed treatment of foreign body conjunctival sac, of which 2 cases caused by infection purulent, the report is as follows: Example 1: Zhang × ×, male, 5 years old. Due to left eye swelling in his hospital according to the “left upper eyelid mosquito bites,” “allergic inflammation”, given antibiotic eye drops and eye ointment, anti-allergic drug treatment for 7 days invalid, August 12, 1982 came to our hospital Visit. Check: Children with closed eyes open, inside and outside the Ministry of Department of mucus discharge purulent secretions, upper eyelid mild swelling, touch