改革开放以来,历史学中经济史的研究蔚为大观,成果斐然。但近年来,随着史学的不景气,也难以持续发展和深入下去了。这里暂不涉及市场经济体制的建立对整个社会科学特别是历史学的挑战这个外部环境问题,也不打算讨论如何运用、发展马克思主义这个本文不能胜任的关乎宏旨的问题,仅就经济史主要是财政史研究中的一些方式方法问题谈些自己的若干断想。 1、关于研究队伍以及研究方式的问题。经济史是一门历史学与经济学的交叉学科,经济史
Since the reform and opening up, the study of economic history in history has become a grand occasion with remarkable achievements. However, in recent years, with the stagnation of historiography, it is also hard to sustain its development and go deeper. We will not discuss here the issue of the external environment for the establishment of a market economy system for the entire social sciences, especially history. Nor is it intended to discuss how to use and develop Marxism, a macro issue that this article can not do well. Some methods and methods in the study of the history of the financial affairs. 1, on the research team and research methods. Economic history is an interdisciplinary and economic history of history and economics