对外汉语教学中,写作课因其“两难”的特点,一直是备受争议的课型。本文就当前对外汉语教学实践中发生的实际案例进行了分析和反思,指出写作课教学的目标及操作上存在的一些问题,认为写作教学应本着文化教学和生活实践为主的原则,不能局限于“写”的单一技能训练,应结合不同教学技巧进行讲授,多种形式进行操练,以达到写作课程的教学目的 。
In teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the writing class has been a controversial subject for its characteristics of “dilemma”. This paper analyzes and reflects on the actual cases that have taken place in the practice of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, pointing out the problems existing in the teaching of writing and teaching, and believes that the teaching of writing should be based on the principles of culture, teaching and life, and should not be limited. In the “write ” a single skill training, should be combined with different teaching techniques for teaching, practice a variety of forms, in order to achieve writing teaching purpose.