乔治 萨顿:献身科学史的人生历程

来源 :山西师大学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caiwupim
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乔治·萨顿经历了孤独而自由的童年和少年生活,根特大学的求学经历使他立志投身科学史研究,追求以实证主义为主导的综合科学史来嫁接科学和人文。从比利时辗转英国再到美国,萨顿创办杂志,著书立说,建立科学史学会,成立科学史专业,培养科学史人才,虽筚路蓝缕,但终成伟业。 George Sutton experienced a lonely and free childhood and adolescent life. The study experience at Ghent University made him determined to devote himself to the study of the history of science and to pursue the scientific and humanistic conception of the history of comprehensive science led by positivism. From Belgium to Britain and then to the United States, Sutton set up magazines, wrote books, established the History of Science Society, set up a history of science, and trained talents of history of science.
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