Theoretical shape analysis of tapered fibers using a movable large-zone furnace

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xzb3560680
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To estimate the shape of tapered fibers using tapering machines with movable large-zone furnaces, a new calculation method is proposed based on the discrete deducing method and the principle of the volume conservation of the fiber materials. This method can estimate the tapering results, i.e., the shape of the tapered fibers, based on arbitrary moving parameters of the large-zone furnace and the fiber holders. The theoretical estimated results agree with the experimental measuring shape of the tapered fibers quite well. To estimate the shape of tapered fibers using tapering machines with movable large-zone furnaces, a new calculation method is proposed based on the discrete deducing method and the principle of the volume conservation of the fiber materials. This method can estimate the tapering results, ie , the shape of the tapered fibers, based on arbitrary moving parameters of the large-zone furnace and the fiber holders. The theoretical estimated results agree with the experimental measuring shape of the tapered fibers quite well.
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