【摘 要】
The monosulfonated triphenylphospmme ligand , Ph2P(m-C6H4.SO3K) (abbr. as DPM). and its rhodium complex’ HRh(COXDPM)3,have heen synthesized and charactcrized b
【出 处】
Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry
The monosulfonated triphenylphospmme ligand , Ph2P(m-C6H4.SO3K) (abbr. as DPM). and its rhodium complex’ HRh(COXDPM)3,have heen synthesized and charactcrized by spectroscopic techniques (IR,NMR) The obtained data showed that the structure of HRh(CO)(DPM)3 was similar to HRh(CO)(PPh3)3’ The properties or HRh(CO)(DPM)3 as an oletin hydroformylation catalyst in aqueous-organic solvent two-phase system are studied
The monosulfonated triphenylphospmme ligand, Ph2P (m-C6H4.SO3K) (abbr. As DPM). And its rhodium complex ’HRh (COXDPM) 3, have heen synthesized and charactcrized by spectroscopic techniques (IR, NMR) Structure of HRh (CO) (DPM) 3 was similar to HRh (CO) (PPh3) 3 ’The properties or HRh (CO) (DPM) 3 as an oletin hydroformylation catalyst in aqueous-organic solvent two-phase system are studied
月11日下午6点 ,芮城县纪委小车司机户亚峰、宣教室工作人员张超平去运城办理公事。车刚行出陌南镇五六里远 ,就见前方一辆大洋90摩托车翻在路边 ,车手倒在油路旁2米深的坑边 ,来来
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