【摘 要】
Carpal tunnel syndrome, also known as carpal stenosing tenosynovitis, is a common type of peripheral nerve compression syndrome. Occasionally visible in pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy, hand-specific pain, numbness as the main symptoms of the disease. Because obstetricians lack awareness of the disease, often misdiagnosed and missed diagnosis. Now our hospital 2008-06-2010-02 systematic observation of 22 cases, and the patients were retrospectively analyzed, are reported below.
目的 探讨负压封闭引流(VSD)技术在治疗手背热压伤创面中的效果.方法 26例手背热压伤创面经切痂后,移植大张中厚皮片,持续负压引流5~7 d.结果 25例植皮皮片成活,创面全部愈合,
Androgen/androgen receptor (AR) signaling plays decisive roles in testicular spermatogenesis [1].However,the underlying molecular mechanism of androgen and AR r
RNA interference(RNAi)is a highly conserved posttranscriptional gene regulatory mechanism that controls gene expression at the mRNA level within living cells(Fi
本文对抗利尿激素分泌不当综合征1例分析如下。1病历摘要女,72岁。因发热20 d余,于2010-08-21入院。患者诉20d前无明显诱因出现发热,体温达38.9℃,伴畏寒,胸闷,气短,无咳嗽、
目的 分析闭合性跟腱损伤MRI特征,为临床诊断提供影像学依据.方法 分析25例有踝关节外伤史、经临床及手术证实,MRI资料完整的闭合性跟腱完全或部分撕裂病例,总结MRI特征.结果
Heavy metals are one of many environmental stresses that urgamsms can face.Industrial societys reliance on metals has increased the exposure of organisms to met
目的 总结乌头碱中毒患者的救治体会.方法 对宝丰县人民医院2004-2010年收治的22例急性乌头碱中毒患者进行回顾性总结.结果 21例痊愈出院;1例死亡.结论 明确乌头碱中毒的诊断