
来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnsushiheng
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Response and feedback of land surface process to climate change is one of the research priorities in the field of geoscience. The current study paid more attention to the impacts of global change on land surface process, but the feedback of land surface process to climate change has been poorly understood. It is becoming more and more meaningful under the framework of Earth system science to understand systematically the relationships between agricultural phenology dynamic and biophysical process, as well as the feedback on climate. In this paper, we summarized the research progress in this field, including the fact of agricultural phenology change, parameterization of phenology dynamic in land surface progress model, the influence of agricultural phenology dynamic on biophysical process, as well as its feedback on climate. The results showed that the agriculture phenophase, represented by the key phenological phases such as sowing, flowering and maturity, had shifted significantly due to the impacts of climate change and agronomic management. The digital expressions of land surface dynamic process, as well as the biophysical process and atmospheric process, were improved by coupling phenology dynamic in land surface model. The agricultural phenology dynamic had influenced net radiation, latent heat, sensible heat, albedo, temperature, precipitation, circulation, playing an important role in the surface energy partitioning and climate feedback. Considering the importance of agricultural phenology dynamic in land surface biophysical process and climate feedback, the following research priorities should be stressed:(1) the interactions between climate change and land surface phenology dynamic;(2) the relations between agricultural phenology dynamic and land surface reflectivity at different spectrums;(3) the contributions of crop physiology characteristic changes to land surface biophysical process;(4) the regional differences of climate feedbacks from phenology dynamic in different climate zones. This review is helpful to accelerate understanding of the role of agricultural phenology dynamic in land surface process and climate feedback. Response and feedback of land surface process to climate change is one of the research priorities in the field of geoscience. The current study paid more attention to the impacts of global change on land surface process, but the feedback of land surface process to climate change has been poorly understood. It is more and more meaningful under the framework of Earth system science to understand systematically the relationships between agricultural phenology dynamic and biophysical process, as well as the feedback on climate. In this paper, we summarize research in this this field, including the fact of agricultural phenology change, parameterization of phenology dynamic in land surface progress model, the influence of agricultural phenology dynamic on biophysical process, as well as its feedback on climate. The results showed that the agriculture phenophase, represented by the key phenological phases such as sowing, flowering and maturity, had shifted significantly due to the impacts of climate change and agronomic management. The digital phenytes of land surface dynamic process, as well as the biophysical process and atmospheric process, were improved by coupling phenology dynamic in land surface model. heat, sensible heat, albedo, temperature, precipitation, circulation an play an important role in the surface energy partitioning and climate feedback. the following research priorities should be stressed: (1) the interactions between climate change and land surface phenology dynamic; (2) the relations between agricultural phenology dynamic and land surface reflectivity at different spectrums; (3) the contributions of crop physiology characteristic changes to land surface biophysical process; (4) the regional differences of climate feedbacks from phenology dynamic in different climate zones. This review is helpful to accelerate understanding of the role of agricultural phenology dynamic in land surface process and climate feedback.
世界100多家著名厂商正积极准备把代表当今世界先进水平的最新通讯技术设备推向中国市场。 这些厂商,主要来自加拿大、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、日本、韩国、瑞典、西班牙、
198 3年 1月~ 1999年 8月 ,我们共收治闭合性创伤性膈疝 16例 ,现就其早期诊治问题分析报告如下。1 临床资料本组 16例均为男性 ,年龄 2 1~ 6 2岁 ,中位年龄 32岁。左侧膈疝 1
本文以长沙市自来水公司为例,论述了利用现代测控技术,建立城市供水调度微机三遥(遥测、遥信、遥控)网络管理系统,可提高供水行业的节能水平。 This article takes the Changsha
我院自1984年~1996年共收治自发性气胸48例,现报告分析如下。1 临床资料1.1 性别及年龄男38例,女10例。年龄最小18岁,最大73岁。其中45岁~65岁36例。1.2 基础病变慢性支气管炎