As a world-renowned conductor, 67-year-old Seiji Ozawa is known as “Ozawa of the world.” His eldest daughter, Ozawa Ozawa (29), is an essayist who introduces some of the little-known stories of Seiji Ozawa from the perspective of a family member. Sentimental father in June of this year, Zheng Liang to accompany his father went to watch the World Cup in Germany on the final of Brazil. Father and daughter wearing Brazilian jersey for Brazil team cheer. When the World Cup champions ceremony was held, a lot of children folded the paper crane in the air in the arena. As the father looked at the flying cranes and said with tears, “Children have made a lot of contributions. It is very valuable.” "Seiji Ozawa this time changed the serious expression on the stage, like a child, sentimental. Ozawa is playing the Boston Symphony Orchestra music