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当前,党正领导全国人民集中精力搞经济建设,经济报道理所当然地成了报纸、广播、电视新闻的主角。如何搞好搞活经济报道,已成为新闻界共同关心的问题。现在,从事经济报道的记者普遍感到经济报道难搞,写不活。读者反映大多数经济报道千篇一律,数字加过程,枯燥乏味,不爱读。只有努力提高经济报道的可读性,才能提高其经济效益和社会效益。可读性强的经济报道,需要从事经济报道的新闻工作者改变观念,深入实际,大胆创新,以适应新的形势发展和需要。一、从读者出发长期以来,新闻界强调报道的指导性,把经济新闻的出发点放在指导工作上。经济报道要吸引读者,首先 At present, the party is leading the people throughout the country to concentrate on economic construction and economic reports have, of course, become the protagonists of newspapers, radio and television news. How to do a good job of enlivening economic reports has become a common concern of the media. At present, journalists engaged in economic reporting generally feel that hard-pressed economic reports can not be written. Readers report that most economic reports are stereotyped, the number plus process, boring, do not like to read. Only by working hard to improve the readability of economic reporting can we enhance its economic and social benefits. Readable economic reports require journalists engaged in economic reporting to change their mindset, deepen their actual situation and boldly innovate so as to adapt to the new situation and development. First, starting from the reader For a long time, the press has emphasized the guiding nature of reporting and has placed the starting point of economic news on guiding work. Economic reports to attract readers, first of all