目的分析九寨沟地震伤员的伤情特点和康复需求,为伤员康复提供早期指导。方法利用自制《四川九寨沟“8·8”地震伤员伤情特点及功能评定表》对2017年8月9日—16日在四川大学华西医院就诊的42例九寨沟地震伤员进行早期调查和评估。结果 42例地震伤员受伤原因中,构成比最高的是摔伤与飞石砸伤,分别为23例(54.8%)和16例(38.1%)。受伤部位多为下肢和头部,分别为18例(42.9%)和10例(23.8%)。就诊后去向以离院为主,其次为骨科和神经外科,分别为22例(52.4%)、6例(14.3%)和6例(14.3%)。功能受限以感觉功能受限、心理功能障碍、运动功能受限、平衡功能受限发生较多,分别为42例(100.0%)、28例(66.7%)、24例(57.1%)和22例(52.4%),呼吸功能受限5例(11.9%),心功能受限1例(2.4%)。日常生活活动受限37例(88.1%),其中上下楼梯、步行、洗澡受限发生最多,分别为24例(57.1%)、24例(57.1%)和22例(52.4%)。42例(100.0%)伤员均需要康复评定,22例(52.4%)需康复治疗,19例(45.3%)需康复辅具。结论九寨沟地震伤员有其自身的损伤特点和功能障碍。根据功能受限情况,地震后的康复方案的方向,注重结构功能、心理功能、日常活动、功能康复,使患者尽早回到家庭和社会。
Objective To analyze the injury characteristics and rehabilitation needs of the injured in Jiuzhaigou earthquake and provide early guidance for the rehabilitation of the injured. Methods A total of 42 Jiuzhaigou earthquake victims who visited the West China Hospital of Sichuan University from August 9 to August 16, 2017 were investigated and assessed using the homemade “Injury Characteristics and Functional Assessment Table of Jiuzhaigou” Earthquake in Sichuan Province. . Results Among the 42 cases of earthquake casualties, the highest proportions were injured by bruises and flying stones, which were 23 (54.8%) and 16 (38.1%) respectively. Most of the injured parts were lower limbs and head, which were 18 cases (42.9%) and 10 cases (23.8%). After treatment, they were mainly discharged from the hospital, followed by orthopedics and neurosurgery in 22 cases (52.4%), 6 cases (14.3%) and 6 cases (14.3%). There were 42 cases (100.0%), 28 cases (66.7%), 24 cases (57.1%) and 22 cases (22 cases) with limited function, limited mental function, limited mental function, limited motor function and limited balance function Cases (52.4%), Respiratory function limitation in 5 cases (11.9%), Heart function limitation in 1 case (2.4%). The activities of daily living were limited in 37 cases (88.1%). Among them, 24 cases (57.1%), 24 cases (57.1%) and 22 cases (52.4%) were restricted to go upstairs and down stairs, walking and bathing respectively. Forty-two patients (100.0%) were assessed for rehabilitation, 22 (52.4%) required rehabilitation and 19 (45.3%) required rehabilitation. Conclusion The Jiuzhaigou earthquake victims have their own characteristics of injury and dysfunction. According to the limited functions, the direction of rehabilitation programs after an earthquake, attention should be given to structural functions, psychological functions, daily activities and functional rehabilitation so that patients can return to their families and society as soon as possible.