铜陵县位于安徽省中南部,地处长江中下游南岸,境内山、丘、洲、圩并存,兼有皖南山区和沿江冲积平原之特点,总面积833km~2,人口32万,其中农业人口27万。铜陵县内物华天宝,资源丰富,素有“八宝地”之称,是典型的江南“鱼米之乡”。铜陵属北亚热带湿润季风气候区,常年气候温和,雨量充沛.日照充足,自然资源十分优越。全县现有耕地25.4万亩,可养水面8万亩,有林地面积42.5万亩,森林蓄积量105万 m~3,森林覆盖率达33.2%。全县丘陵区多为砾质壤土,土层深厚.一般在50cm—80cm 之间,PH 值均在6—7.5之
Tongling County is located in central and southern Anhui Province, located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River on the southern bank, the territory of mountains, mounds, continents and polders coexist, both in southern Anhui mountains and along the alluvial plain features a total area of 833km ~ 2, population 320,000, of which agricultural population 27 Million Tongling County Wuhua Tianbao, rich in resources, known as “Babao”, is a typical Jiangnan “Yumizhixiang ”. Tongling is a subtropical humid monsoon climate, perennial mild climate, abundant rainfall. Sufficient sunshine, natural resources are very advantageous. The county now has 254,000 mu of arable land, 800,000 mu of water surface, 425,000 mu of forest land, 1.05 million m 3 of forest stock and 33.2% of forest coverage. Most of the county hilly area gravel loam, deep soil, generally between 50cm-80cm, PH value of 6-7.5