夕阳沉落在波光摇曳的大西洋水平面上。温热的塞内加尔河裹挟着金沙、泥土和无数个小生命穿过林莽,沿着沙漠的边缘淌着,尼日尔沼泽在星月照耀下闪闪灼灼,远方传来了河马和雄狮的吼声……非洲大地在漫长的黑暗中沉沉睡去。一个又一个世纪,在美术史家的眼中,也许独特的非洲艺术(最有价值的当属雕塑)从来也没有和欧、亚大陆隔绝过。但对于我们来说,那些出自农民和狩猎者之手的雕刻、面具和组合件似乎一直躲避着人们搜索的视线。因此,即使是本世纪初的斯坦因、毕加索、勃拉克都曾像“发现新大陆”一样惊呼出对非洲木雕的赞叹,即使英国远征队从15世纪以来持续了数百年的掠夺,并把它们和黄金、钻石一起源源不断地运往欧洲,即使像美国的“National museum of African”(非洲国家艺术博物馆)等艺术宫殿已经堂而皇之地把它们列为永久性陈列,然而,对于今天的绝大多数人来说,那些用于泛灵论和泛神论崇拜的宗教仪式上的祭祀物依然是
The setting sun sinks in the swaying Atlantic Ocean level. The warm Senegal River, sandwiched between the sand, soil and countless little life through the reef, dripping along the edge of the desert, the Niger swamp blinking in the moon and stars, distant came hippopotamus and lion roar ... ... Africa Sleep deep in the darkness. One century after another, in the eyes of art historians, perhaps the unique African art (the sculpture of the most valuable type) never broke off from Europe and Asia. But for us, the sculptures, masks, and combinations of peasants and hunters seem to have escaped the search. Therefore, even Stein, Picasso and Braque of the beginning of this century all exclaimed the woodcarving of Africa as “discovering the New World,” even though the British expedition lasted for hundreds of years since the 15th century, They were shipped to Europe with gold and diamonds, and even though art palaces such as the National Museum of African in the United States have unequivocally listed them as permanent displays, yet for the vast majority of today For people, the ritual sacrifices used in the animistic and pantheistic worship are still