蔬菜、瓜果是人们每天生活的必需品。随着人民生活水平的提高,健康意识的增强,蔬果中农药残留问题日益引起人们的重视。特别是近几年来,由于农药的不合理使用,导致农药残留过量、过滥,使得农药引起的食物中毒逐渐增多,目前已成为我国主要的中毒原因之一[1]。因此,加强对农药使用管理,禁止农药残留超标的蔬菜、瓜果进入市场已成为当务之急,而关键之一就是要建立一套简便、快速、直观、高灵敏度的农残检测方法。 在蔬菜农残的检测上,早期曾采用生物检定法[2]、单项的比色法、同位素法、酶化学法。目前应用较广泛的有薄层层析法和仪器分析法(如GC和GC-MS)等[3]。但这些方法有的由于准确性低或分析时间长或仪器成本昂贵而无法应用于蔬菜
Vegetables, fruits are the daily necessities of life. With the improvement of people’s living standards and health awareness, the issue of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables has drawn increasing attention. Especially in recent years, due to the unreasonable use of pesticides, excessive and excessive pesticide residues have led to the gradual increase of food poisoning caused by pesticides. At present, it has become one of the major causes of poisoning in China [1]. Therefore, it is imperative to step up the management of pesticide use and prohibit the excessive passing of vegetables and fruits into the market. One of the keys is to establish a simple, rapid, intuitive and sensitive pesticide detection method. In the detection of pesticide residues in vegetables, early biometric method [2], single colorimetric method, isotope method, enzyme chemical method. Currently more widely used thin layer chromatography and instrumental analysis (such as GC and GC-MS) [3]. However, some of these methods can not be applied to vegetables due to their low accuracy or long analysis time or high cost of instruments