一、我国企业人力资源管理中伦理观现状 1.招聘选拔方面的伦理观 一直以来,我国企业的伦理观中都不十分赞成员工的太大流动性,认为对职工承担责任与义务是理所当然的,因此一旦招聘后,普遍实行终生雇佣制。而且选拔优秀人才的标准也是偏重于较传统的“成绩优秀、表现良好”,习惯于挑选那些“老实”、“听话”、“嘴严”的人,似乎只有符合上述“标准”,才算是具备优秀人才的“传统素质”。这却往往忽视了对人才创新能力的考察,使一些头脑灵活、有极强开拓精神
First, the status quo of ethics in China’s corporate human resources management 1. Ethical concept of recruiting and selection has always been, China’s corporate ethics view is not very much in favor of employees too much liquidity, that employees bear responsibility and obligations for granted, of course, Therefore, once hired, a lifetime employment system is generally implemented. Moreover, the criteria for selecting excellent talents are also focused on the more traditional “excellent grades and good performance”. People who are used to selecting “honesty,” “obedient,” and “mouthful” people seem to have only met the “standards” mentioned above. The “traditional quality” of excellent talents. However, this often overlooks the ability to innovate talents, making them agile and highly pioneering.