Using a laser cavity with a rotating mirror and an amplifier structure, a tunable microsecond (1.5-5 μs) pulsed oscillation of a neodymium laser with a 0.5-J pulse energy is generated. A solid-state laser producing an adjustable microsecond pulse of light is used in the fields of science and technology There are many applications. It is common practice to use an electronic loss control method to continuously adjust the Q-switch by negative feedback or careful programming of the Q-switch driver. This approach is complicated and unreliable. It has been demonstrated that in neodymium glass lasers, The easiest way to generate a microsecond pulse oscillation is to use an optical-mechanical modulator. With the known cavity Q-switching method, not only the microsecond pulse but also the oscillator output can be controlled at the amplifier input. For example, using an acousto-optic modulator