1927年国民党政权建立后,继续保持了北洋军阀政府同苏联的外交关系。尽管其对外政策的基本点是亲帝反苏,但抗战爆发后,国民党政府与苏联关系一直较好,1937年8月两者还签订了互不侵犯条约,苏联从道义上和人力、物力上对中国抗战给予了很大支援。1941年6月苏德战争爆发前后,两者关系日趋冷淡,直至恶化。本文就两者关系恶化的原因作以分析。 一、国民党政府对苏政策的不稳定性是两者关系恶化的根本原因 第一、国民党政府采取的是中、日、苏三角关系平衡的对外策略。 1932年12月12日,迫于国内外舆论的压力,国民党政府同苏联恢复了外交关系。在英、美等帝国主义的冷淡政策下,只好求助于苏联来援华抗日。然而,当双方于1935年准备为缔结协定而进行谈判之时,国民党政权却止步不前了。究其原因,主要是国民党政权害怕影响同日本的关系,它既想同苏联结盟,以抗衡日本,又不想立即结盟,以免导致日苏关系紧张而刺激日本,加深中日矛盾。因而采取的是中、日、苏三角关系平衡的
After the Kuomintang government was established in 1927, it maintained the diplomatic relations between the government of the Northern Warlords and the Soviet Union. Although the basic point of its foreign policy was pro-imperialism and anti-Sovietism, the Kuomintang government maintained a good relationship with the Soviet Union after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War. In August 1937, the two countries also signed non-aggression treaties. The Soviet Union, from a moral and human and materialistic level, Gave great support to China’s war of resistance. Before and after the Sudan war broke out in June 1941, the relationship between the two became increasingly cold until it deteriorated. This article analyzes the reasons for the deterioration of the relationship between the two. First, the instability of the Kuomintang government’s policy towards the Soviet Union is the root cause of the deterioration of the relations between the two. First, the Kuomintang government adopted an external strategy of balancing the relations among China, Japan and the Soviet Union. On December 12, 1932, under the pressure of public opinion at home and abroad, the Kuomintang government restored diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. Under the indifferent policy of imperialism such as Britain and the United States, they resorted only to the Soviet Union to aid China in resisting Japan. However, when the two sides were ready to negotiate an agreement in 1935, the Kuomintang regime was halting. The reason is mainly that the Kuomintang regime was afraid of influencing its relations with Japan. It wanted to establish alliances with the Soviet Union in order to resist Japan and not want immediate alliances, so as to avoid tensions in Japan-Sudan relations and to stimulate Japan and deepen Sino-Japanese conflicts. Therefore, the relations between China, Japan and the Soviet Union are balanced