11个正值人生花季的少女,化为火海冤魂。目睹活生生的少女从呼救直到永远沉默,却无法相救,许多人流下了伤心的泪。 多么惨痛的悲剧! 大富豪歌舞厅经营者不经公安消防部门审批就违章装修,大量使用可燃装修材料,电器线路乱拉乱接,火险隐患严重却拒不按公安消防部门的明令整改,终因电线短路起火,引燃大量可燃装修材料,迅速蔓延成大火。值班人员竟全未察觉,仍在呼呼大睡,以致群众长时间呼喊、敲门欲进去救
11 positive girl in the flowering season, into a fire sea innocent people. See live girls from crying until forever silent, but can not be saved, many people shed a sad tear. How painful tragedy! Doors and theaters business center without approval of the public security and fire department on the illegal decoration, extensive use of flammable decoration materials, electrical wiring chaotic random access, serious fire danger but refused to press the fire department public order reform, the ultimate cause Short circuit fire, ignite a large number of combustible decoration materials, the rapid spread into a fire. The officers on duty were all unaware that they were still asleep, causing the masses to cry for a long time and knocking on the door to rescue