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厦门市成功大道工程是福建省2005年重点建设项目,项目由多座立交和两条特长城市隧道组成,其中莲前至梧村山隧道里程长度为3700m,采用双洞双向6车道标准。隧道在埔南工业区的685m段采用跨度达34m的浅埋连拱结构穿越地面67栋密集建构筑物。洞顶至地表的覆盖层只有7~24m,水文、地质较差,洞顶基本为杂填土和残积亚黏土层,洞底多为全、强风化花岗岩,地下饱和水位高(局部洞身地处海平面以下20m左右),施工风险极大。为了保证既有地面建构筑物的安全,提出了以过程控制和过程恢复为核心的全过程注浆方案,并预留104#和105#拆迁房为试验楼,采取地面注浆和洞内注浆的方法来进行过程控制和房屋抬升的试验。在现场试验中,根据全过程注浆的思路,提出了建筑物安全风险控制标准。通过室内试验比较了不同浆液的注浆效果,分析实际施工中房屋基础改造和地基注浆加固、动态跟踪注浆以及工后房屋恢复抬升的特点和效果。在注浆过程中进行实时的信息反馈和分析,进而了解注浆工艺和参数与地层加固效果和建筑物抬升效果之间的关系,得出了一系列有意义的结论。试验结果为隧道后续穿越建构筑物施工提供经验和指导,研究思路可为类似的隧道穿越工程提供一定的参考。 Xiamen Chenggong Avenue Project is a key construction project of Fujian Province in 2005. The project consists of a number of overpasses and two tunnels of distinctive city. The mileage of the tunnel from Lianqian to Wucun Mountain is 3700m and adopts double-lane bidirectional 6-lane standard. The 685m section of the tunnel in the Po Nan Industrial Zone uses a shallow-arched and arch-shaped structure spanning 34m across 67 densely-built structures on the ground. The top of the tunnel is only 7 ~ 24m above sea level. The hydrology and geology are poor. The top of the tunnel is basically filled with stratum and residual clay. The bottom of the cave is mostly full and strong weathered granite with high saturated underground water level The sea level below about 20m), the construction of a great risk. In order to ensure the safety of the existing ground structures, a full-process grouting scheme with process control and process recovery as the core is proposed. The 104 # and 105 # demolition rooms are reserved for the test building, and ground grouting and grouting Approach to process control and building uplift tests. In the field test, according to the whole process of grouting ideas, put forward the building safety risk control standards. The grouting effect of different grouts was compared through laboratory tests. The characteristics and effects of house foundation remodeling, foundation grouting and reinforcement, dynamic grouting and post-construction restoration were analyzed. During the grouting process, real-time feedback and analysis of the information were made so as to understand the relationship between the grouting process and parameters and the effect of strata reinforcement and the effect of building uplift. A series of meaningful conclusions were drawn. The results of the experiment provide experience and guidance for the construction of the tunnel through the subsequent building. The research ideas can provide some reference for similar tunneling projects.
五十年前,多数网球运动员都信奉牛肉是食谱的必选。他们认为:晚餐吃的牛排,到次日早餐时候就会让肱二头肌变得更大。他们相信:红肉(未煮之前呈红色的肉类,尤其指牛、羊) Fif
用重叠球自洽场X_α多重散波法和从头算法对卤化硼的电子能谱作了计算和注释,所得结果与实验结果符合得相当好。 The overlapped sphere self-consistent field X_α multip
想为孩子找个好教练吗?听听他与学员的故事。想学好发球吗?他告诉你发球前要思考,像纳达尔一样。 Want to find a good coach for your child? Listen to him and the train
11月14日晚,深圳体育场。当主裁判终场哨声响起的那一刻,全场沸腾了。长春亚泰在这块场地上,以4:1大胜深圳上清饮,力压北京国安,夺得了2007赛季中超联赛冠军,成为中国职业联赛创办以来的第五个王者。    比起大连实德、鲁能泰山等老牌强队,长春亚泰的中超冠军之路漫长而又崎岖。长春亚泰成立于1996年6月,之后连续参加了1997年、1998年和1999年的乙级联赛,但都冲甲未果。2000年初,长春
三氯偶氮氯膦(TCCPA)全名为:2-(4-氯-2-膦酸基苯偶氮)-7-(2,4,6-三氯苯偶氮)-1,8-二羟基萘-3,6-二磺酸。其结构式为: 三氯偶氮氯膦是一紫黑色粉末,易溶于水、乙醇和丙酮;不