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目的了解邹城市基层医疗机构感染管理现状,为制定加强医院感染管理控制院内感染发生的对策提供依据。方法 2012年7月,对全市15所镇卫生院和3所社区卫生服务中心的医院感染管理控制工作进行现场调查。结果调查18家基层医疗机构,均成立了院内感染委员会,医院感染管理人员均为兼职;制定了消毒隔离制度的18家,对全院开展过消毒和控制医院感染专业知识培训的2家;建有实验室的18家,但均欠规范。对全院开展过消毒和控制医院感染专业知识培训的2家;18家均能做到生活垃圾和医疗垃圾分开,用黄色塑料袋将医疗垃圾单独分离开的16所;有垃圾焚烧炉的12所。调查36人,6项医院感染知识全部正确回答的26人,知晓率为72.22%。结论基层医疗机构医院感染管理工作有待进一步加强。 Objective To understand the current status of infection management in grass-roots medical institutions in Zoucheng City and provide evidence for the development of measures to strengthen the management of nosocomial infections in hospitals. Methods In July 2012, a field survey was conducted on the management of hospital infection control in 15 township health centers and 3 community health service centers in the city. Results 18 primary health care institutions were surveyed, nosocomial infection committees were set up, and part of hospital infection management personnel were part-time; 18 disinfection and isolation systems were formulated and 2 hospital specialized trainings on disinfection and control of nosocomial infections were carried out; There are 18 laboratories, but they are not norms. There were two hospital-based disinfection and nosocomial infection control trainings in the hospital; 18 of them were able to separate domestic garbage from medical waste and separate 16 medical waste separately with yellow plastic bags; and 12 with garbage incinerators The 36 people were surveyed, 26 were all correctly answered in 6 hospital infection knowledge, and the awareness rate was 72.22%. Conclusion The management of hospital infection in primary medical institutions needs to be further strengthened.
Exendin 4 (AC 2 993)是Amylin公司和礼莱公司合作开发,由39种氨基酸组成的多肽。最初发现于Gi la畸形蜥蜴及墨西哥珠状蜥蜴唾液分泌物中,现已可通过化学法或基因工程法合成
【摘 要】  教材是远程学习过程的重要组成部分。一套充分体现远程学习特点、体贴考虑远程学习者需求的远程学习教材,是有效提高远程学习质量的重要因素。但现实是,我国远程教材整体质量的满意度有待提高,国内远程教材的设计与开发中,依然存在着各种问题。  2011年12月至2012年2月期间,中央广播电视大学出版社特邀原英国开放大学教育与语言系高级讲师邓肯先生,为全社员工量身定做了一个系列远程教材培训讲座。
As is well known that many decollement layers were developed in the Longmenshan thrust belt,Si-chuan Basin,China. Through field investigation,explanation of sei
近年来,鼠伤寒沙门氏菌感染在世界各地有增多的趋势,临床表现以胃肠型为主。本院近二年来共收治鼠伤寒沙门氏菌感染143例,其中败血症型6例,占4.2%,均由粪便及血培 In recent
第43届国际生产工程学会(CIRP)大会于1994年8月21~27日在新加坡召开,大会分组宣读论文共112篇,其中磨削方面论文12篇,占论文总数的10.7%.现将磨削方面论文摘要如下. The 43r