Female patient, 25 years old. To the right limb numbness, left lower extremity numbness with weakness 3 months treatment. Patients 3 months ago, no obvious incentive to feel the right limb numbness, with left lower limb numbness, weakness, coupled with a sense of chest strap. Physical examination: patients with claudication, bilateral Achilles tendon hyperreflexia (++++), bilateral upper limb muscle strength Ⅳ (+), right lower limb muscle strength Ⅳ (+), left lower limb muscle strength Ⅳ (- ), Mild lower extremity mild sensory loss, left lower extremity sensory abnormalities. X-ray examination: no obvious thoracic abnormalities. CT examination: T_ (2, 3) level of the left and right behind the spinal canal see irregular soft tissue density shadow, adjacent to the left side of T 2 vertebral attached