在吉林省东丰县一面山乡永胜村,有个爱管“闲事儿”的人,他叫吕春海。可别小看这老头儿,威信大着呢!衬里的“闲事儿”,他管,准好使。他爱管“闲事儿”,还管出个模范头衔,叫“模范调节员”。 吕春海今年60岁,从1970年当上永胜村4组组长那天起,他就开始管“闲事儿”。至今能寻思出来的自己管过的“闲事儿”就有200多起。邻里纠纷、家族冲突、打架斗殴、婚恋矛盾、婆媳不和……没有他不管的。 1991年夏季的一天,村里一对小夫妇因为家族琐事大动干戈,十
In Dongfeng County, Jilin Province, Yongsheng Village, a hillside, there is a love tube “busy children” who, he called Lu Chunhai. Do not underestimate this old man, prestige a big deal! Lining’s “idle thing”, he tube, so that you can make. He loves “idle stuff”, but also control a model title, called “model regulators.” Lv Chunhai is 60 years old this year. Since 1970, when he was the head of the 4 groups in Yongsheng Village, he started to manage his spare time. There are more than 200 self-administered “idle things” that I can think of so far. Neighborhood disputes, family clashes, fights, marriage conflicts, law-abusing and ... not without him. One day in the summer of 1991, a couple in the village took a big fight because of trifles